Distributors face many challenges. Warehouse employees and drivers need to efficiently and effectively complete deliveries on schedule and need to account for discrepencies as they occur. Discrepencies may be the result of spoilage, shortage, shrinkage, or other product issues. Our system streamlines the filing of paperwork associated with deliveries by storing digital copies that are indexed and may be easily retrieved and reconciled. Accounts receivable is integrated into this solution as well.
Food DistributorIndustry:
Wholesale DistributionServices:
IT Consultancy, Custom Software SolutionChallenge
Challenges included integrating Customer Invoices, Bills of Lading (BOL), Vendor Invoices, Checks, Cancelled Checks, and ad-hoc documents as needed, into a system to efficiently will reduce paperwork and associated costs.
Our solution includes
ISS Rform:
Print stream from in-house accounting system is parsed
Key data from the print stream is used to create a barcode value, which is added to the print stream.
Searchable Metadata for the documents include Customer #, Customer Name, Date, Total $, Page #, ROute #, and Invoice/Order #.
ISS MetAppend
Documents are scanned and grouped for storage in the Document Management or electronic File System, storing the Metadata for simplified retrieval.
Audit reports are generated to assure all documets are scanned in as well as to verify expected vs. actual product quantity and monetary amounts.
Our system allow the customer to realize savings in time, costs, and more efficient customer inquiry resolutions. Patterns of discrepencies are easily ideentified to assure integrity.